Jo Byron-Russell

Jo Byron-Russell


healing is wholeness

Integral IFS Sessions

Healing is Wholeness.

In our one-on-one therapy sessions, we focus on healing old wounds and exploring those protective mechanisms that no longer serve you. The goal? To help you become more centered, grounded, and ultimately, more in love with life. We won't create a perfect life, but you will discover the inner steadiness to weather any storm.

The path we will take

During the first couple of sessions, we’ll get really clear on your intentions. What changes do you seek? What deeply matters to you? This intention will guide our work together, offering direction and purpose. I blend three approaches tailored to each client: Internal Family Systems Therapy, Somatic Psychotherapy (listening to the body), and Integral Coaching (a philosophy of wholeness and becoming more whole). If you prefer a specific approach, like focusing solely on IFS, just let me know.

The Maps that will guide our work

Internal Family Systems Therapy

Imagine your inner world as containing a vibrant, diverse family, each member representing different aspects of your personality. Some are protective, others are vulnerable, and all are essential parts of who you are.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a transformative approach that helps you connect with and understand these inner parts, fostering a deep sense of self-awareness and healing. By working compassionately with each part, we can unburden past wounds, resolve internal conflicts, and empower your core Self—the wise, compassionate center of your being—to lead your life with clarity and purpose.

Integral Coaching

Integral Coaching is a dynamic, holistic approach that goes beyond conventional coaching by considering every facet of your life—mind, body, emotions, and spirit. It’s not just about setting goals or overcoming obstacles; it’s about evolving your entire way of being. Together, we’ll explore your unique strengths and challenges, drawing from a wide range of disciplines to create a tailored pathway for growth. This journey will help you align your actions with your deepest values, cultivate lasting change, and unlock your full potential, enabling you to thrive in all areas of life.

Integral Coaching

Integral Coaching is a dynamic, holistic approach that goes beyond conventional coaching by considering every facet of your life—mind, body, emotions, and spirit. It’s not just about setting goals or overcoming obstacles; it’s about evolving your entire way of being. Together, we’ll explore your unique strengths and challenges, drawing from a wide range of disciplines to create a tailored pathway for growth. This journey will help you align your actions with your deepest values, cultivate lasting change, and unlock your full potential, enabling you to thrive in all areas of life.

Somatic Psychotherapy

Our bodies hold the stories of our lives, from the joys to the traumas. Somatic Psychotherapy taps into the wisdom of the body, recognising that true healing often requires more than just talking — it involves reconnecting with the body’s innate capacity to process and release emotional pain. By integrating body awareness, movement, and mindfulness, this approach helps you tune into the subtle sensations and emotions that guide your experience. Through this profound body-mind connection, you can release old patterns, restore balance, and cultivate a deeper sense of presence and wholeness in your life.

I believe in making a more beautiful world from the inside out. By helping you achieve personal growth, foster deeper connections, attain inner peace, and learn effective inner work techniques, we can create a life that you truly love.

Outcomes of Inner Work

  • Enhanced Self-Awareness: Gain a clearer understanding of your internal landscape and emotional triggers.

  • Improved Emotional Regulation: Learn to manage and soothe your emotions effectively.

  • Stronger Self-Love: Cultivate a deeper appreciation and compassion for yourself.

  • Greater Inner Peace: Achieve a sense of tranquillity and steadiness in your daily life.

  • Healing Old Wounds: Address and heal past traumas and unresolved issues.

  • Empowered Decision-Making: Make choices aligned with your true self and core values.

My Fees

Session by Session

6 month journey

6 month journey

£130/50 minute session

We tend to meet weekly for in the early stages of working together and can then also shift to fortnightly sessions.


£100 - 150

For either those on lower income or those who wish to subside sessions. Please pay what you would like within this scale.

6 month journey

6 month journey

£4500/6 months

We commit to working together in depth on a transformation that deeply matters to you for a 6 months period. Guided by a clear framework and a timeframe to hold us accountable.

  • 2 hour deep dive assessment, including Enneagram and somatic mapping

  • A rigorous design process

  • Weekly Sessions

  • Practices and exercises for in-between sessions

Answers to your questions

What can I expect in the first few sessions?

In the first couple of sessions, we'll get really clear on your intentions and what deeply matters to you. It's like planning our route before embarking on a journey; this intention will guide our work together and provide us with direction. We'll explore what changes are needed and aim to create a roadmap for your healing and growth.

How will this therapy help me with my current struggles?

We all have survival strategies from childhood that worked well in the past but are now causing limitations. They helped us survive, but they don't let us thrive. Our sessions will help you identify these protective mechanisms and explore new ways of being that serve you better. You will learn to live from Self—the wise, compassionate center of your being—and compassionately include all parts of yourself. Whatever you are facing in life right now, you will gain the tools and insights to navigate challenges with greater clarity, resilience, and inner peace. Together, we will work towards not just resolving your current struggles, but also empowering you to live a more authentic, fulfilling life.

Are these sessions suitable for someone new to therapy?

Yes, whether you're new to therapy or have prior experience, these sessions are designed to meet you where you are. We’ll go at a pace that feels right for you, ensuring you feel supported and understood throughout the process.

What if I've already done lots of therapy (or if I am a therapist or coach)?

If you've already done extensive therapy or are a therapist or coach yourself, you bring a rich foundation of self-awareness and experience to our work together. My approach is designed to meet you where you are, honoring the work you've already done while offering new perspectives and deeper layers of healing and growth. Even seasoned professionals can encounter blind spots or areas that have yet to be fully explored. Together, we will delve into these subtleties, allowing for continued personal evolution and deeper integration of your insights. Whether you’re looking to refine your personal growth or bring more depth to your professional practice, our sessions will be tailored to support your ongoing journey.

How long will therapy last?

If you choose the session-by-session route, the duration of therapy varies depending on your individual needs, goals, and the pace at which you feel comfortable progressing. Some clients find significant relief and insights within a few sessions, while others may benefit from a longer-term, ongoing process to explore deeper layers of their experiences and make lasting changes. We’ll regularly review your progress together, ensuring that therapy continues to meet your needs and supports you in achieving your desired outcomes. Ultimately, therapy will last as long as it feels beneficial and aligned with your personal journey.

In the 6 month container, we co-design a specific route to help us achieve your desired results within our committed time-frame. It is like bringing more Masculine energy to the Feminine therapeutic process (nothing to do with gender).


have more questions?

I'd love to hear from you.


Sienna Marie & Co
















Jo Byron-Russell